A happy horse is a horse that… ‘snorts’!
Every horse owner wants their equine to be happy. Let’s face it – if they’re happy, we’re happy. But it can be difficult to know whether or not our horses are truly happy – there’s nothing particularly obvious to help us know. They may seem relaxed, but are they feeling a bit down? Their ears may be forward, so they’re not grumpy or annoyed, but are they constantly on alert? It’s really not easy!
The good news is that research has recently emerged to suggest that the humble little ‘snort’ we hear from our horses is a sign of happiness – and the more they snort, the happier they are. The study was very in depth and you can read the results and explanations on the BBC website here.
Many of the horses and ponies that come into us here at Remus are survivors of terrible cruelty and we strive to give them the very best of care, allowing the younger ones to develop into happy adults, and the older ones to spend their twilight years in relaxed happiness.
Remus Horse Sanctuary is funded entirely by fundraising. To make a donation to support horse welfare, please visit our Donate Page.