
How to make your donations to Remus

We have tried to make the process of donating to Remus as easy as possible with ways to suit everyone:

  1. Via our Website – please visit our online shop to make a direct fee-free donation here.
  2. Golden Giving – please visit here.
  3. JustGiving Online – please make payment via the JustGiving website here.
  4. PayPal Fundraising – please make payment via the PayPal Giving Fund here.
  5. PayPal – just click on the link here if you have a PayPal account.
  6. Telephone – please telephone Remus with your credit card details on 01277 356191.
  7. By Cheque – please send us a cheque made payable to Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary and send to: Little Farm, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9NZ.
  8. By Cash – please hand deliver your cash to Sue Burton at Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary (address above).
  9. Give as you LiveClick here to make a donation.
  10. Monthly Standing Order – if you would like to set up a monthly payment via a manual form, please download it here.

You can also donate food and bedding for the animals via our online shop.

Thank you for your support.  Together we believe we can make a real difference!

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Remus Cry for Help
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