Remus believes that there can be no justification for tethering of horses, ponies or donkeys.
The Animal Welfare Act enshrines the animal owner’s ‘Duty of Care’ in British Law.
The Five Freedoms to which we should aspire are:
- Freedom from hunger and thirst
- Freedom from discomfort
- Freedom from pain, injury and disease
- Freedom to express normal behaviour
- Freedom from fear and distress
A tethered animal is denied these basic RSPCA Principle Five Freedoms.
Equines may well be able to live out in all weathers – but this is based on the natural native pony who is loose and can walk to keep warm, walk to find shelter, trickle feed throughout the day to keep itself warm – all these rights are denied a horse that is tethered.
What you can do to help stop the tethering of equines in the UK.
- Write to your M.P
- Report all tethered horses to us. If you can, take a photo and send that in as well
- Get involved. Join our Campaign to get Tethering stopped.
- Download and sign our paper petition, or ask for one to be sent to you.
We have created a Lobby Group to help bring pressure on landowners and local authorities etc to make change. To receive further information on the Remus Lobby Group, please sign-up here: http://eepurl.com/bfHBrj.