How are we Repaying the Loyalty of Horses?
The National Theatre’s wonderful touring production of Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse is back on tour, and is a stark reminder that despite all that horses have done for us – whether at war, in work, or as companions – people continue to fail them.
A fascinating interview with Belinda Day, the Senior Curator of the National Army Museum, reveals that while we may have the impression that animals were badly treated during wartime conditions, they were in fact cared for better than the men, in many cases.
Belinda tells Everything Horse magazine: “Horses would be given hay before breakfast at about 6am. If they were on a march, they may travel 20 to 25 miles in walk, with soldiers encouraged to jump off and walk alongside their horses at intervals. Every time there was a stop on the march, the horses would be encouraged to graze in order to stretch their rations further, and their saddles would be taken off to rest their backs. After the march, they’d be fed again with hay, chaff and oats.”
Unfortunately, many horses today are not treated with such care – and Remus Horse Sanctuary continues to rescue, rehabilitate and care for animals that have been neglected and abused. Like Rosie the Shetland pony, who was forced to pull a cart while suffering with severe arthritis and laminitis and Blax, a horse that was kept in a muddy paddock with nowhere to shelter or lie down, and was walking on a fracture.
Like Joey, the horse in War Horse, who eventually returns to his farm with his loving owner, most of our animals have a happy ending, living out their days being loved and cared for – but there are many more who need our help…
You can read the full interview with Belinda, and find out more about the theatre production at: everythinghorseuk.co.uk/the-real-war-horses
To help us continue our work rescuing animals that have been neglected or abused, whether through negligence or intent, please make a donation online. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to: Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary, Little Farm, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9NZ, or credit card payments can be made over the telephone to a member of our team on tel: 01277 356191.