How Can I Help?
Our team of volunteers are vital to the work of Remus Horse Sanctuary. They help to raise money, care for animals, welcome visitors, highlight our work and even help maintain the premises. Our volunteers go the extra mile and ensure that all of our animals, large or small, live a long and loving life with nothing asked of them.
If you would like to support the Sanctuary by volunteering, please complete an Application Form and send it to the Sanctuary or contact the office to discuss volunteering on tel: 01277 356191.
​Here are just some of the things you can do to help us:
Fundraisers wanted to organise events, street collections and raffle ticket sales.
Event Volunteers are essential to ensure our events run smoothly throughout the year. Can you help us to promote the event through leafleting and distributing posters? Perhaps you could help out at our Open Days and other events, run specific projects, sort bric-a-brac, maintain merchandise stocks and pricing. (You can also visit our Fundraising page to find out how you could organise your own event.)
Volunteer Coordinator needed to help develop and oversee our volunteer programme including recruitment, selection, training, allocation of duties, setting up of and maintaining a social calendar.
PA or Secretary wanted to assist in busy office, managing diary, note taking, handling paperwork to a high standard. We also need people to help stuff envelopes at least twice a year.
Enrichment Volunteers wanted to help provide enrichment to the animals including socialisation, toys, games and observation.
Gardener wanted to care for the Sanctuary garden, such as mowing the lawn, keeping the troughs planted and watered.
Conservation Officer to oversee the upkeep of the Sanctuary conservation areas including the hedgerow, ponds, maintaining wildlife area, keeping a list of birds and wildlife seen and erection of bat boxes. Many BTO red and endangered birds have been seen on site.
Graphic Designer to assist with posters for our events, online graphics and the occasional leaflet. Will be fully briefed by our Marketing Expert and should be able to work remotely.
IT or Computer Expert wanted to maintain office computers and laptops ensuring backing-up and maintenance.
Photographer to take good quality images suitable for advertising, PR and print work, and website. To document what happens at the Sanctuary, how the animals progress and equally the cute and cuddly shots to help with our fundraising. Video would be a bonus!
Drivers wanted to collect and drop off items in the local area.
Maintenance Person to help oversee the upkeep of fixtures and fittings with some bigger projects, such as concreting. Additionally, people required to help clean and paint the stables and buildings before winter.
Groundsman wanted to help oversee the land ensuring weed control and fencing kept in good repair.
Please note that due to the demand from youngsters to help at the Sanctuary we have a very long waiting list and it can be quite a lengthy process to get children onto the Young Volunteer Scheme.