Keep Their Feet Sweet!
Hoof care is not just for winter. Keep hooves in good shape all year round for a happier and healthier horse…
When you look after as many animals as we do at Remus Horse Sanctuary, you know how important it is that they are cared for from tip to toe – and that means healthy hooves!
While you may think that’s a job for winter when they are hacking through mud and wet bedding, looking after their trotters all year round will make your – and their – lives easier.
One of the worst cases of hoof overgrowth we have seen, was with rescue horse Blax, as you can see from the photos. Thankfully she responded well to treatment and now loves her life at Remus. Click on the link to find out more about Blax and become her sponsor.
Here’s a few things you can do…
- Picking out feet daily not only keeps hooves clear of stones, but gives you a chance to check for any problems such as crack or splits.
- Be mindful when riding on hard ground in summer and watch your speed as this can cause cracks in hooves, and damage joints.
- Watch moisture levels. Changes from wet to dry and back again can weaken hooves. Limit how often you wash them, and research topical hoof products that can retain even moisture levels. You can also provide a dry area for standing and of course, keep the stable clean and dry.
- Find a good farrier who can help to maintain good hoof health.
- And finally, ensure your animal has a good-quality diet – there are also hoof supplements if needed. Your farrier can advise on these.
Find more detailed advice at: www.horseandrideruk.com/expert-advice/articles/6-steps-to-healthy-hooves