Say No to 180km of Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons
Are you aware of the proposals for power lines and pylons over 180km of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex’s beautiful and historic countryside between Norwich and Tilbury? Find out more at the 38Degrees website.
Here at Remus Horse Sanctuary we are growing increasingly concerned by this proposal as the 50 metre high pylons will sit just the other side of our fence line.
There will be haulage roads put in for a huge amount of lorries and machinery, all coming and going on a daily basis and everything in their way, whether it be trees, hedges, wildlife and animal homes will all be destroyed. Can you imagine the amount of upheaval, noise and destruction in its wake?
It’s even possible that they could force us to move our animals to livery yards whilst this work is carried out.
There is just no way we could move our animals anywhere else – this is their home and, for the most part, the only place that they have ever known where they are safe from harm. The blind girls Holly and Grace cannot be moved, for obvious reasons.
Most livery yards would just not have our specific facilities to meet our unique needs. Let alone the number of different livery yards which would be required to house over 70 horses! Livery space is already like gold dust in the South East as it’s so densely populated, plus presumably other horses would also need to be moved along the route. There’s also all of our other animals to consider.
This will be a huge welfare issue if this is allowed to happen.
Annoyingly It is possible for this to go off-shore but this option is being ignored.
Development of our beautiful countryside continues at such an alarming rate, and now to further destroy it like this is beyond belief. This route will come from Norwich through to Tilbury. National Grid is made up of many shareholders from other countries and foreign interests, who have little or no concern for ripping up and destroying our beautiful English countryside.
Please, if you care, not just about Remus but the beautiful countryside of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, please sign the petition and share with your friends, family and colleagues.