Minstral’s Story
Black Mare
DOB 1993
Came to Remus in 2012
This beautiful mare with amazing head markings was found dumped in a field in Braintree, in Essex. Her stomach looks like that of a cow with an udder and is extremely swollen. This is because, having been bred from too much, her Linear Alba has torn and caused what is effectively, a massive rupture.
When Minstral came in we felt that it would be unlikely that we would have her for long, but we were determined to do the best we could for her. She now lives in a paddock on her own but with other horses around her so that she has company but can’t be kicked or chased. She is very distrusting of other horses, most likely as a result of the overbreeding.
In 2016 a badly ulcerated eye just would not clear up and with veterinary advice the decision was taken to remove her eye after it ruptured. Thanks to the care and expertise of our Veterinary Surgeon and the Animal Health Trust and the dedicated nursing from our lovely staff, she came through this trauma very well and copes wonderfully well with just one eye.