Hedgerow of Remembrance

Our Hedgerow of Remembrance is a living memorial  to your loved one.

We have planted 1000 hawthorn bushes here at the Sanctuary to create a Hedgerow of Remembrance, and your loved one could become part of that.  It also provides natural shelter for the animals in our care, allowing them to self medicate, and offers food and shelter for the wildlife and birds that call the Sanctuary their home. The hedge is an invaluable part of our conservation programme at Remus,

For a donation of £40 a loved one can be remembered within this hedgerow. As part of the Hedgerow, your loved one will be added to our online Book of Remembrance where you can write your own memories or just have their name, you will also receive a certificate for you to keep.

If you would like some more information or wish to make a donation for this wonderful living tribute to your loved one, please call 01277 356191 or email us for details.

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